Nomination and selection of Nobel Peace Prize laureates

A nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize may be submitted by whatever person who meets the nomination criteria. A letter of invitation to submit is not required. The names of the nominees and other data about the nominations cannot exist revealed until 50 years afterwards.

Nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize 2022

There are 343 candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize for 2022 out of which 251 are individuals and 92 are organizations.

343 candidates are more than last twelvemonth (329) and the 2nd highest number of candidates always. The current record of 376 candidates was reached in 2016.

Neither the names of nominators nor of nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize may be divulged until l years take elapsed.

Process of nomination and selection

The Norwegian Nobel Commission is responsible for selecting the Nobel Peace Prize laureates. A nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize may exist submitted by any persons who are qualified to nominate.

Qualified nominators

Revised September 2016

According to the statutes of the Nobel Foundation, a nomination is considered valid if it is submitted by a person who falls within i of the following categories:

  1. Members of national assemblies and national governments (chiffonier members/ministers) of sovereign states likewise every bit electric current heads of states
  2. Members of The International Court of Justice in The Hague and The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague
  3. Members of l'Institut de Droit International
  4. Members of the international board of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
  5. University professors, professors emeriti and associate professors of history, social sciences, law, philosophy, theology, and faith; university rectors and university directors (or their equivalents); directors of peace research institutes and foreign policy institutes
  6. Persons who have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
  7. Members of the master lath of directors or its equivalent of organizations that take been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
  8. Current and old members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee (proposals by current members of the Committee to be submitted no later than at the first meeting of the Committee afterward 1 February)
  9. Sometime directorate to the Norwegian Nobel Commission

Unless otherwise stated the term members shall exist understood every bit current (sitting) members.

Candidacy criteria

The candidates eligible for the Nobel Peace Prize are those persons or organizations nominated by qualified individuals, meet above. A nomination for yourself volition not be taken into consideration.

Selection of Nobel Prize laureates

The Norwegian Nobel Commission is responsible for the choice of eligible candidates and the choice of the Nobel Peace Prize laureates. The Commission is composed of five members appointed past the Storting (Norwegian parliament). The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway, not in Stockholm, Sweden, where the Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemical science, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and the prize in economic sciences are awarded.

How are the Nobel Prize laureates selected?

Peace Prize nomination process

The nomination procedure for Nobel Peace Prize laureates.

Ill. Niklas Elmehed

© Nobel Media. Ill. Niklas Elmehed

Below is a cursory description of the process involved in selecting the Nobel Peace Prize laureates.

September –The Norwegian Nobel Committee prepares to receive nominations. These nominations will be submitted by members of national assemblies, governments, and international courts of law; university chancellors, professors of social science, history, philosophy, police force and theology; leaders of peace enquiry institutes and institutes of foreign diplomacy; previous Nobel Peace Prize laureates; board members of organizations that have received the Nobel Peace Prize; present and past members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee; and former advisers of the Norwegian Nobel Institute.

February –Deadline for submission. In order to exist considered for the award of the twelvemonth, nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize shall be sent in to the Norwegian Nobel Committee in Oslo before the 1st twenty-four hours of February the same year. Nominations postmarked and received afterwards this date are included in the following twelvemonth's discussions. In recent years, the Committee has received close to 200 unlike nominations for different nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. The number of nominating letters is much higher, as many are for the same candidates.

February-March –Short list. The Committee assesses the candidates' piece of work and prepares a short list.

March-August –Adviser review.

October –Nobel Prize laureates are chosen. At the first of Oct, the Nobel Committee chooses the Nobel Peace Prize laureates through a majority vote. The conclusion is last and without appeal. The names of the Nobel Peace Prize laureates are then announced.

December –Nobel Prize laureates receive their prize. The Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony takes place on ten December in Oslo, Norway, where the laureates receive their Nobel Prize, which consists of a Nobel Prize medal and diploma, and a document confirming the prize amount.

Are the nominations made public?

The statutes of the Nobel Foundation restrict disclosure of information most the nominations, whether publicly or privately, for fifty years. The brake concerns the nominees and nominators, as well equally investigations and opinions related to the award of a prize.


Submission of nominations

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has launched an on-line nomination form that y'all tin employ if you are a qualified nominator (see the list 'Qualified nominators') to a higher place). The form can be reached from the website of the Norwegian Nobel Committee between September and February.

Deadline for nominations

Nomination borderline is 31 Jan at 12 midnight CET. Nominations which do not meet the deadline are normally included in the following yr's assessment. Members of the Nobel Committee are entitled to submit their ain nominations as tardily as at the first meeting of the Committee after the expiry of the deadline.

Selection process

At the first meeting of the Nobel Committee after the February 1 deadline for nominations, the Committee's Permanent Secretarial assistant presents the listing of the year'south candidates. The Committee may on that occasion add further names to the list, after which the nomination process is airtight, and discussion of the particular candidates begins. In the light of this starting time review, the Committee draws up the then-called short listing – i.east. the listing of candidates selected for more thorough consideration. The curt list typically contains from twenty to thirty candidates.

The candidates on the short list are then considered by the Nobel Constitute'south permanent advisers. In addition to the Constitute'south Director and Inquiry Manager, the trunk of advisers more often than not consists of a small group of Norwegian university professors with broad expertise in subject areas with a bearing on the Peace Prize. The advisers usually have a couple of months in which to draw upwards their reports. Reports are also occasionally requested from other Norwegian and foreign experts.

When the directorate' reports take been presented, the Nobel Committee embarks on a thorough-going discussion of the most probable candidates. In the process, the need often arises to obtain additional information and updates most candidates from additional experts, oftentimes foreign. As a rule, the Committee reaches a determination only at its very last meeting earlier the announcement of the Prize at the beginning of Oct.

The Committee seeks to achieve unanimity in its selection of the Nobel Peace Prize laureate. On the rare occasions when this proves impossible, the selection is decided by a simple bulk vote.

50 twelvemonth secrecy rule

The Commission does not itself announce the names of nominees, neither to the media nor to the candidates themselves. In so far as certain names crop up in the advance speculations every bit to who volition exist awarded whatever given year'southward prize, this is either sheer guesswork or information put out by the person or persons behind the nomination. Information in the Nobel Committee's nomination database is non made public until afterward l years.

Questions and answers about the nomination process for a Nobel Peace Prize

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Read more almost how the Nobel Prize laureates are nominated:

Nomination of the physics laureates
Nomination of the chemistry laureates
Nomination of the medicine laureates
Nomination of the literature laureates
Nomination of the peace laureates
Nomination of the economic sciences laureates