Beef Protein Powder Arginine to Lysine

Jay Robb Icon

"Fear is your greatest enemy."
—Jay Robb, "The Bad Boy of Nutrition"

I write this with the utmost urgency and business concern for you, and everyone in America and our world. My intent is to offer hope and management to anyone who is uninformed and currently afraid because they do not have all the facts about the coronavirus, what a virus is, how information technology spreads, what causes in infection, and how to naturally forbid and treat whatsoever virus. By no means does this information circumvent any directives from the CDC and other health authorities. Its purpose is to educate y'all nigh viral infections and offer tips that tin can assistance brand you immune and keep your allowed.

I am non a doctor. Instead, I am a clinical nutritionist who has spent a lifetime studying human health and human diet. Much of my focus has been on discovering the cause, prevention, and natural treatment for all types of diseases, viral infections, bacterial infections, fungal infections, and illness.

As I write these words, I do not wish to appear cavalier or brassy about the coronavirus or America's health crisis. I take my own health, the health of my family, friends, employees, and the health of all my brothers and sisters on this planet very seriously. Let me be very clear from the start. I care about you. I care nigh your family. And I do not come from fear. Instead, I come from a deep understanding that I have attained from a lifetime of studying the cause of practiced health. And virtually importantly, I do my all-time to always practice what I preach.

My focus today is on the coronavirus which is the latest mutated virus that is spreading around the world and has begun to infiltrate America.

Permit's look at some facts:

Co-ordinate to the CDC (Eye for Affliction Control) https://world wide, during the 2018-2019 flu season, they estimated there were more than 135.five million influenza-related illnesses, including more than than 16.v one thousand thousand medical visits, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths reported. Older adults age 65 and above accounted for 75% of the deaths indicating what we already know…that the elderly are peculiarly vulnerable to astringent outcomes from an flu viral infection. Interesting to note, even though about 35,000 people in the US die of the flu every twelvemonth, I don't call up any panic final flu flavour, or the year before that, or the yr earlier that.

No thing what crisis you are facing, fear is the first thing y'all must avoid. DO NOT let your mind run wild; believing the worst and expecting the worst. Instead, focus on the facts, think positive thoughts, affirm verbally to yourself every solar day that you and your loved ones are salubrious and impenetrable to ill wellness, disease, viral infections, and the coronavirus. Be kind, exist loving, be caring. If we are in the midst of a global virus, nosotros need to unite, bond together, support each other, share, give, and pray for everyone's wellness and wellbeing. God has everything under control and He will offer you guidance if you turn to Him and ask for help…and mind for His answer. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Fear is the cloud that blocks united states of america from knowing the truth.


Information technology is good to know just how a virus lives, dies and spreads. Just to exist clear, your body already may contain a wide multifariousness of viruses. Plus, every solar day you may be exposed to endless other viruses. An example of an internally existing virus is the herpes virus that lies fallow in individuals who previously contracted chickenpox, which is caused specifically by the canker zoster virus. After an private recovers from chickenpox, the herpes virus lies dormant in the body until the immune system is lowered, at which fourth dimension the person may develop oral herpes (a cold sore), shingles, genital herpes, Epstein-Barr, or all of the above.


A good for you immune system is your best defense confronting infections. A healthy allowed arrangement is capable of producing optimum white blood cells and healthy prison cell walls that tin keep viruses in cheque.

Viral infections are the most contagious by contact for 2-3 days but sometimes they can be contagious for upwards to two weeks. Unless y'all live in isolation, chances are you are existence exposed to a wide diverseness of viruses every twenty-four hour period of your life. While washing your hands, practicing good hygiene, and fugitive large crowds may assistance you in sidestepping viral infections and infectious diseases, paw washing, cleanliness, and isolation may not be enough. To get immune to affliction, including viral infections, you must pay shut attention to what you eat, what supplements you lot take, how you lot live, and what you call up.


Protein is disquisitional for keeping your immune system strong and preventing a viral infection. Lysine is an essential amino acid that is peculiarly rich in dairy products (especially whey protein) and beef. It is likewise rich in fish, meats, and eggs. Lysine is also loftier in milk, cheese, and other dairy products.

Lysine is critical for stopping the spread of viral infections considering the integrity of the jail cell depends on lysine, vitamin C, and a few other key nutrients. If lysine levels are low in your body (from not eating enough poly peptide foods rich in lysine or not having enough vitamin C), a virus can hands spread considering the jail cell walls are deficient and permeable. A deficiency in lysine tin can be acquired past not consuming enough lysine-rich foods or from eating likewise many foods that are loftier in arginine.


Nuts and peanuts are high in arginine and low in lysine. Arginine is the antagonist amino acrid to lysine, which means those two amino acids compete for absorption. If you are eating a lot of basics and peanuts, the arginine in those foods can crowd out lysine and the outcome is a lysine deficiency. Millions suffer each year with cold sores. A cold sore is but an outbreak of the herpes virus on the lips or around the mouth. To avert always getting a cold sore, you simply limit your nut and peanut intake and consume lysine-dominant foods, such as whey protein (especially loftier in lysine and low in arginine), cheese, milk (unless you are dairy sensitive or lactose intolerant), egg white protein, eggs, fish, and beefiness. Y'all can too supplement your nutrition with additional lysine (and buffered vitamin C), which is something I personally practise and so does my family.

The same applies to other viruses. Keep your intake of lysine and C optimum and reduce or eliminate foods high in arginine and lower in lysine.



To boost your defenses and foreclose a viral infection, I propose taking 1000mg of the amino acid lysine along with 500mg buffered vitamin C. Why lysine and vitamin C? Because if your torso is deficient in lysine or vitamin C (or both) your prison cell walls become weakened and any virus can begin traveling freely in your body. If your cell walls are strong from supplementing with lysine and vitamin C (and eating a calorie adequate salubrious diet rich in both), your cells go "armor-plated" and hard to penetrate by an invading virus.


To boost your immune organization, supplement your diet with the following:

  1. 1000mg lysine twice daily with a meal
  2. 500mg buffered vitamin C twice daily with a meal

2. Primary YOUR OWN MIND

Your second line of defense confronting viruses, infections, bugs, and parasites (and when I say "parasites" I am including some people who can be negative and toxic) is to master your own mind. Your immune system first begins with the mind. By this I hateful, what you call back and subconsciously believe is what you go far life. In other words, if you believe you will become ill, are prone to disease, or are struggling with your health, your cells and the universe will move in that direction. If you feel well, salubrious, strong, fit, and impenetrable, your cells and the universe will move in that direction.

To principal your ain mind and go on it from creating fear, feet, and emotional distress, I suggest meditating daily for 20 minutes. Find a quiet place to sit. Get comfortable, sit upwards straight, set a timer for xx minutes, relax, and count your breaths from 1-10, with one consummate inhale and exhale counting as 1 breath. Once you reach 10, beginning back to 1 and repeat, going from i-ten over and over again. If you lose count, start back to one and keep counting.

I also suggest to limit or avoid watching the news, which can sometimes paint a grim picture of circumstances that can impact you in a stressful mode. Television set news outlets are in the business of making money from advertising. The more viewers they have, the more they can accuse per minute for an advertizing. If a news outlet professes shocking news, they often get more viewers, which drives up revenue. Spin the news with a lot of opinions, speculation, and persuasive speech and y'all tin become a very lopsided view of the actual state of affairs. Social media should also be limited considering in that location tin can be a lot of aroused, negative, or fear-inspiring talk out in that location. And be conscientious what you lot read each day. In other words, be careful of individuals and the media that often like to "spin" the truth to make it fit their own narrative and agenda. I find it best to simply visit the CDC's website for factual updates on the coronavirus or whatsoever other health concerns. Hither is the CDC page for influenza stats:


  1. Meditate for twenty minutes each day
  2. Avoid or limit the news and all media
  3. Use careful scrutiny on anything you are reading.


When it comes to homo nutrition, in that location are 2 main camps that are on opposite ends of the dietary spectrum. One military camp believes that fatty is the problem child and that fruits, veggies, beans, and whole grains are the principal foods to eat while limiting all fat foods. On the other end of the spectrum are those that believe carbs are the trouble child and advise eating a low-carb high-fat nutrition. Who is right? Y'all must decide that for yourself. Both have valid points. For me, when it comes to which diet is ideal, the proof is e'er in the pudding.

Over the past 40 years, I take experimented extensively with depression-carb high-fat diets and with loftier-carb depression-fatty diets. From all my experiments, I have concluded that the body'south fuel of option is fat, not carbohydrate. For the most part, fatty is a far better fuel than carbs and for this reason, I lean toward a diet that is high in fat, moderate in protein, and low in carbs. I also experience that periodically we can indulge in a higher carb intake. On those higher carb days, the actress carbs don't convert to fat. Instead, those carbs load into your muscles and liver as glycogen. I call this manner of eating, The Fat Burning Nutrition. On my nutrition, you burn fatty nigh of the time, just it is non keto because I allow carbs to be cycled in periodically and appropriately.

In my professional experience, a higher-fatty diet is the all-time way to eat well-nigh of the time considering it provides a very stable source of energy which causes less stress to your body. When you eat a high-starch or high-carb diet, those carbs are converted to sugar in your body and your body produces insulin to manage those carbs. Insulin stops y'all from burning fatty and forces your body to burn carbohydrate well-nigh exclusively. Eating a nutrition of more often than not fat and protein can provide more stable free energy, cause very little insulin to be produced, help fuel your cells, cause less stress to your body, and help end brain fog, anxiety, and mood swings.

Consume foods high in lysine and low in arginine. Fish, meat, eggs, whey protein, and dairy products are all splendid sources. Whey protein is exceptionally high in lysine and low in arginine and therefore is e'er great to use daily. Egg white protein is lower in lysine than whey protein, but still a good source. Vegan proteins are often lower in lysine and college in arginine. The key to boosting the allowed system is to pump upwards your lysine intake while lowering your arginine intake. Nuts and peanuts are high in arginine and low in lysine. For this reason, I advise limiting the intake of nuts and seeds and upping your intake of lysine-rich foods.

I also suggest eating but ii meals a day to further adapt your body to burn fat readily, become used to infrequent eating, and to allow your body to clean house by wave cleansing your stomach and small intestines. When you hear your tum growl, that is the audio your tummy and pocket-sized intestine make when they are cleaning house. Never consume your first meal of the day until your tum is rumbling. Internal cleanliness is a great style to prevent viral infections, whatsoever kind of an infection, or ill-health.


You will know you lot are eating properly when your poops become perfect, which ways they are piece of cake to pass, take no foul odor, and require no toilet paper to clean up after (a quick bank check wipe will show you it was a "Perfect Poop").


  1. Begin eating lower-carb meals each day to allow your body to fire fat
  2. Limit sweets, junk nutrient, candy, sugary soft drinks, and fast food
  3. Eat only ii meals a day to assist your body make clean business firm
  4. Permit your bowel movements evidence that y'all are eating the perfect nutrition


Become outside equally much as possible into fresh air and sunshine, both of which help purify and boost your allowed organisation. To get adequate vitamin D, do not use sunscreen for the first 30 minutes of sunlight exposure if you are naturally light-skinned, and avert sunscreen for an 60 minutes or ii if your peel is medium night and 3 or more hours if your skin is very night. Why the unlike exposure times? Dark skin is nature'southward sunscreen. If you always use sunscreen, your trunk may not have fourth dimension to create enough vitamin D, nor will information technology always naturally adapt to beingness in the sun. This will cause you to become dependent on the use of sunscreen while causing you to get vitamin D deficient.

None of this is politically correct, just it is factual and is information you lot need to know to be salubrious and build a strong immune system. When sunlight strikes unprotected skin (no article of clothing or sunscreen), it converts the cholesterol on your skin to vitamin D. Xx to 40 percent of Americans may be deficient in vitamin D. The cure? Regular sunbathing with sunlight striking unprotected pare.

This is all for today'southward postal service. I will offering more than tips and immune-boosting secrets in time to come posts.

Peace, beloved, and hang loose brothers and sisters. We are all in this together and beloved is the glue that bonds u.s.a. for eternity.

Jay Robb
"The Bad-Boy of Diet"

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